
Hate Mail

#1: dude, your entries are fucking hilarious. but how the hell is an in-humane asshole, such as yourself, working with kids? your just like the swine highschool teachers at my school that don't give a shit about anything so you hand us lame assignments and sit behind your computer staring at porn and emailing random bullshit to random teachers. i think you should be fired. andelay ariba!

#2: I think your website is completely artificial and your fabricating all of your stories to emulate other websites such as and etc. Basically I think your full of shit.

can you give the reader some assurance of authenticity? honestly, the stories are great. maybe they're real. but, I know that anyone can write this stuff, and any one can find a slow children at play sign in the middle of grassy field picture on the internet.

there is no proof that these stories are authentic.

i really like reading this site, and all the others, but the writing styles (of tucker max, tard blog, scp) are all pretty much the same. most of the stories, especially on tard blog and scp, pretty much use the same stories and jokes, despite the fact that one is about retards in a school, the other is fucked up boys at some camp that i dont think exists. does the same person make all this up and write it? even if thats the case, youre still a great writer. if its not, well, then you got me fooled.

Glad to waste your time, like you wasted mine... This shit isnt even close to real, not even funny... the point of making a fake blog? Oh yeah you're an attention whore

so i work with sed kids and yah i know they do funny things. they do all the things and more then whats you guys explain. however i love the boys i work with... even if i have bruises, or the kick and spit at me... or even if they where raised by dogs... i would never put there stories and problems on the net for entertainment even if i thought it was funny which i ususally do. they are kids and ahve been violated so much already... why do you guys do this? if its money thats kool but why?

I have made an observation. Either you have people writing these stories for you, or you are making all of the stories up and are not a camp counselor. Being a full time counselor, dealing with children has absolutely nothing to do with writing. What I noticed is that your articles have perfect grammer and it is not plausable that you can write all of these stories without flaws. It doesn't check out. Like Tuckermax, there is no way he records everything that happens with his hand-held voice recorder, especially when he is drunk. He claims he porks hot women left and right, and all of the pictures on his site are of decent to ugly women. Which shows his work is not all that impressive. By the way, in one story somebody called you a "nigga" and in another somebody said something to you about being white. Just out of curiousity, what ethnic background do you have?

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