
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Entry 4: Rusty Comes Back

Rusty is 5 feet tall, 250 pounds, and constantly shits himself. All the other kids hate him because he's fat and constantly stinks of either shit or body odor or both. Rusty is the descendant of a long and proud line of carnies who worked the southern states. His mom was the Fat Lady before her career was sabotaged by AIDS and death, and his pedophile pimp dad is unfortunately still out there somewhere.

One time Rusty was sitting on the couch watching TV when one of the kids came up from behind and boxed his ears. Rusty literally vibrated with rage, and then stormed out of the house. His peers have discovered that they can make Rusty even more upset when they yell out, "Boom! Boom!" each time he takes a step.

I almost started running after him, but I happened to be grating cheese for some quesadillas at the moment, so I grabbed a piece, went into the front and waved it in the air, "Rusty! Look what I forgot to give you"! Strangely, Rusty's behavior always improved right around mealtimes, and he came right back.

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